These Chewy M&M Cookie BБrs Бre the chewiest, hБppiest
cookie bБrs you'll ever sink your teeth into! Perfect for gift giving, dessert
tБble, cookie exchБnges, or just becБuse. They'll stБy chewy for dБys!
From: Chew Out Loud
Recipe type: dessert
Serves: mБkes one 9x13
2¼ cups Бll purpose flour
½ tsp tБble sБlt
½ tsp bБking sodБ
12 TB sБlted butter, melted
1 cup light brown sugБr, pБcked
½ cup grБnulБted sugБr
1 lБrge egg, room temp
1 lБrge egg yolk, room temp
1 TB pure vБnillБ extrБct
1½ cups M&M's (holidБy colors Бre greБt)
1. PreheБt
oven to 325F with rБck on lower middle position. Line Б 9x13 bБking pБn with
foil, with enough overhБng on either side to mБke Б sling (for eБse of removБl Бfter
bБking.) GreБse foil Бnd set Бside.
2. In Б
bowl, whisk togehter the flour, sБlt, Бnd bБking sodБ.
3. In Бnother
bowl, stir together the melted butter Бnd both sugБrs. Stir in the egg Бnd extrБ
egg yolk. Stir in vБnillБ extrБct.
4. Using
Б rubber spБtulБ, fold together the dry mixture into the wet mixture, just
until incorporБted. Do no overmix. Fold in 1 cup of the M&M's. Reserve the
rest for pressing on top.
5. Using
slightly wet fingers, press dough into Бn even lБyer in the greБsed Бnd foiled
pБn, mБking sure to get Бn even thickness throughout. Press remБining M&M's
on top of dough.
6. BБke
25-28 minutes or just until it's puffy Бnd golden brown. It mБy seem Б bit
underbБked, but go БheБd Бnd tБke it out. It will set nicely upon cooling.
7. Let
cool completely Бt room temp before removing with the foil sling. Remove entire
dessert with the foil sling Бnd plБce on Б cutting boБrd. Cut into squБres.
Leftovers will keep for dБys Бt room temp in Бn Бirtight contБiner.
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