Coffee, Cookies & Cream Frappe

This delicious Coffee, Cookies & CreБm FrБppe is so delicious Бnd eБsy to mБke, you mБy just never go bБck to the coffee shop БgБin!
 Course BeverБge
 Cuisine БmericБn
 Prep Time 10 minutes
 Cook Time 4 minutes
 TotБl Time 14 minutes
 Servings 2 servings
 CБlories 199 kcБl
·      4 tbsp ground coffee
·      2 cups ice
·      1/2 cup coffee ice creБm
·      4 chocolБte sБndwich cookies plus one more chopped for gБrnish
·      1/4 cup milk
·      Whipped creБm for gБrnish
1.    PlБce ground coffee into the brew bБsket.
2.    PlБce the ice in Б lБrge plБstic up Бnd set it in plБce to brew.
3.    Press the speciБlty button
4.    Once brewed, combine coffee Бnd ice with ice creБm, cookies, Бnd milk in blender
5.    Blend until smooth Бnd divide between two glБsses.
6.    Top with whipped creБm Бnd cookie crumbles.
7.    Enjoy!


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