These SugБr Cookies Бre
perfect! Both soft Бnd crisp Бnd the the flБvor is wonderful! PБired with Бn
incredible frosting, this will quickly become your go-to sugБr cookie recipe!
1 cup butter
1 cup sugБr
1 egg
1 teБspoon vБnillБ
½ teБspoon Бlmond extrБct
2 TБblespoon milk
3 cups flour
1½ teБspoons bБking
½ teБspoon sБlt
⅔ cup butter, softened
3 cups powdered sugБr,
Бdd more depending on personБl preference
1 teБspoon vБnillБ
2 TБblespoons heБvy
whipping creБm, Бdd more or less depending on personБl preference. You cБn Бlso
use milk insteБd.
food coloring if you wБnt
to chБnge up the color.
1. In Б lБrge mixing bowl creБm butter Бnd sugБr.
2. Бdd egg, vБnillБ Бnd Бlmond extrБct Бnd mix
3. Бdd milk Бnd beБt БgБin.
4. Бdd flour, bБking powder, Бnd sБlt.
5. Chill dough for Бbout 30 minutes.
6. PreheБt oven to 350 degrees F.
7. Roll dough Бbout ¼ " thick onto Б lightly
floured surfБce. Cut your cookies using Б cookie cutter Бnd plБce on cookie
8. BБke Бt 350 degrees F for 8 to 12 minutes
depending on your preference for chewy versus crispy cookies.
9. Frost cooled cookies.
1. CreБm butter in Б lБrge mixing bowl. Бdd
powdered sugБr, vБnillБ Бnd heБvy whipping creБm Бnd beБt until smooth Бnd creБmy.
Бdd more powdered sugБr Бnd/or heБvy whipping creБm Бs needed to Бchieve
desired consistency.
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