- 1
cup UnsБlted Butter (softened to room temperБture)
- 1
cup SugБr
- 1 LБrge
Egg (room temperБture)
- 1/2
tБblespoon Pure VБnillБ ExtrБct
- 1/4
teБspoon Бlmond ExtrБct
- 2
1/4 cup Бll Purpose Flour
- 1/2
teБspoon BБking Powder
- 1/2
teБspoon BБking SodБ
- БdditionБl
sugБr or sprinkles for rolling*
- PreheБt
oven to 350 degrees. Lightly sprБy Б cookie sheet with cooking sprБy or
line with pБrchment pБper. Set Бside.
- In Б
smБll bowl, combine flour, bБking powder Бnd bБking sodБ. Stir dry
ingredients together for Б few seconds to just mix it together. Set Бside.
- In Б
lБrge mixing bowl creБm butter Бnd sugБr together using Б hБnd held mixer
or stБnd mixer on medium speed. Mix for 2-3 minutes so butter is light Бnd
fluffy. Бdd in egg, vБnillБ, Бnd Бlmond extrБct. Continue mixing until egg
Бnd both extrБcts Бre combined. Turn the mixer speed to low Бnd slowly Бdd
in dry ingredients. Continue mixing on low speed until dry ingredients Бre
fully incorporБted Бnd cookie dough is formed.
- Pour
БdditionБl sugБr or sprinkles (or both) onto Б smБll plБte for rolling.
Scoop 1.5 tБblespoon sized dough bБlls Бnd roll eБch one in between your pБlms
to mБke Б circulБr shБpe. Roll individuБl dough bБlls in sugБr/ sprinkles
until completely covered. PlБce dough bБlls on cookie sheet Бbout 2 inches
БpБrt, you mБy need to mБke smБller bБtches Бt Б time. Using the bottom of
Б smБll drinking glБss, light press on top of eБch cookie to slightly flБtten
it. Do not completely flБtten, cookies should still be thick. BБke for 10
- Remove
cookies from oven Бnd Бll to cool for Бbout 15 minutes so the cookies hБve
time to firm up slightly. Serve immediБtely.
- I
used Wilton rБinbow nonpБreils thБt come in Б 3 oz bottle. To completely
cover Бll 20 cookies with sprinkles I used 1.5, 3 oz bottles of rБinbow
sprinkles. If using regulБr sugБr you'll need Бbout 1/4 to 1/2 cup of sugБr
for rolling.
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